Introductory Texts about
People accept their limitations so as to prevent themselves
from wanting anything they might get.
Celia Green
There is no a priori reason why a human being should not combine
the qualities, say, of Einstein, Shakespeare, Mozart, Darwin, J.M.W. Turner,
a nuthatch and a pocket calculator. Indeed, there is no a priori reason
why such a paragon should not be considered ordinary.
Colin Tudge
Transhumanism has many forms, sometimes apparently contradictory. Its essence
is in my opinion, that we humans can, and should continue
to develop ourselves
in all possible directions.
The bodies and minds evolution has given us are wonderful, but far from
perfect. They can be improved in many ways, and this can be done in a rational
manner using science and
technology. In the same way many other parts of the "Human Condition"
may be changed through new methods and visions. In the long run, we will
no longer be human anymore, but posthuman
Of course, not all people would like to go this far. Some might want
to improve themselves somewhat, but still remain essentially as before.
Others might reject any improvements outright for various reasons. From
a transhumanistic standpoint, this is no problem. If they don't want to
go in our direction, they are welcome to remain humans. What we cannot
accept is other people putting restrictions on our quest towards transhumanity;
in that case we have to prevent them from interfering, probably by simply
avoiding them. In no way do we want to force anybody to anything.
Essays about Transhumanism
Philosophy and Views
Other Sites
See Also
Definitions of Transhumanism by different
The Transhumanist
Principles. The basic principles most transhumanists agree on. 
The Path to Posthumanity. Some of the tools and
changes that transhumanism
strives for. 
The Transhuman Vision
Essays about Transhumanism
Genes by Greg Blonder (From Wired March 1995). If we don't want to
have computers smarter than us, we better make ourselves smarter... 
... or become robots and computers ourselves. See Will
Robots Inherit the Earth? by Marvin Minsky (originally published in
Scientific American, October 1994)  
On Becoming Posthuman
by Max More. Discusses the reasons to seek to transcend the current Human
Condition to reach Posthumanity.  
Biologischen Menschen zum Posthumanen Wesen by Max More (in German,
translation of On Becoming Posthuman).
The Philosophy of Transhumanism
by Greg Burch.  
Turkey Story by Garret Smyth. A parable about Immortality and Dynamic
Things You Can Do To Fight Entropy Now by Romana Machado.   
Memes by Damien
Sullivan. Contains a moving description of the transhumanist wish
to become a Power. 
Sapiens: The Convergence of Humans and Technology by Erik Calonius
(Fortune July 8 1996).
Visăo Trans-humana by Anders Sandberg (in Portugese, tr. by Gustavo
Muccillo Alves).
texts in portugese, translated by Gustavo Muccillo Alves.
Transhuman Philosophy and Views
Excerpt from "Are You a Transhuman?"
and Toward new ideologies by FM-2030, one
of the first transhumanist thinkers.  
Synopsis of Bringing Life to
the Stars by David Duemler. A philosophical text which addresses the
question "Should we bring life to the rest of the solar system, or,
if possible, to the rest of the galaxy?". 
Future of Man by Sir
Peter Medawar. About our responsibility for our own evolution.  
Cybernetic Immortality
node in Principia Cybernetica. Discusses the reasons to try to achieve
Cybernetic Immortality. 
versus Emotion by Carl Feynman (page by Damien
The Big Picture
by Danny Hillis (Wired 6.01 1998). Why is things changing? Because change
builds on change.
The More Things
Change... by Wil McCarthy. Is technology good? 
Dynamic Optimism by
Max More. How to live a happy, more efficient life.
The Extropian Principles
V 3.0  
Man into Superman by
Robert C.W. Ettinger. One of the old classics.
Mentions in the Media
While the media seldom portray transhumanism (or anybody else) in an unbiased
light, they often look at things from a layperson perspective and tries
to explain the ideas simply (sometimes too simply). Most of these
texts deal with the extropians,
the most active group of transhumanists.
Tomorrow People. March 26 1995 UK Observer cover story. 
Those Uncanny EX-MEN!,
by John Whalen. A slightly melodramatic article about the Extropians from
Metro, a Silicon Valley newspaper.
by Charles Platt. A somewhat sceptical interview with Hans Moravec in
the Extropians. Wired article about the extropians.
Leben durch moderne Technik? (DLR "Forschung aktuell", 23.7.95,
Christoph rösser) An interview with some leading extropians
(in German).  
im Hier und Jetzt? by Christoph Drösser (in German). Article
in Telopolis about transhumanism.  
Visionary by Kevin Kelly. An interview with Vernor Vinge, from Wired
about the concept of the Singularity and self-transformation.
nach Laune und Leben ohne Ende by Gundolf S. Freyermuth (Teleopolis,
in German). About the Extro3 conference.
a life - forever! by Toby Howard (Fortean Times August 1996)
At What
Cost Transhumanity?. BrainTennis between Max More and Paulina Borsook
about transhumanism.
Die Avantgarde
der Evolution by Gundolf S. Freyermuth (Telepolis, in German).
Other Sites
World Transhumanist Association  
Extropy Institute.   
Damien Broderick, The Spike. Reed Natural History ISBN: 0730104974
Ed Regis, The Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition 1991
Addison Wesley
K. Eric Drexler, Engines
of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology, Anchor Books 1986
See also
Philosophy Page
Other Transhumanist Pages
Other Transhumanist Mailing Lists
Related Pages to Transhumanism