Regarding Secondary Eruptions

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From: Dr. Miguel Rivez, Theory Team Nice

To: <undisclosed recipients>

Summary: Some novas appear to experience or cause a “secondary eruption” within themselves, increasing their powers but at a severe price of mental stability. I discuss some known cases, and conjecture an explanation.


The nature of nova eruptions remains uncertain. Many have suggested that they are caused by a rare confluence of psychological and environmental factors, where serious stress combined with some form of transient beneficial circumstances cause a person to reach some form of threshold where nova powers can take hold (Kalrudin et al. 04). Commonly the eruption is a literal one, as the new nova’s powers project with little or no mental control.

In the last months we have seen another phenomenon: secondary eruptions. A nova with known powers suddenly develops new and more powerful abilities. While it is well documented that novas do gain power by training and learning how to channel their abilities as well as occasional new abilities linked to their “ideal selves” this development is gradual (Gompertz 05, Pertilov et al. 04). In secondary eruptions a nova develops radical new powers over a very brief span of time, often with severe mental side effects.

Three cases in point: Gerhart Kestel, Pratelli Vignuzzi and Sirintala Srichaphan.

Gerhart Kestel exhibited enhanced physical abilities, body reconfiguration, invisibility and flying ability when he was last officially described (Schwartz & Reuters 05). When he five months later escaped from the South African maximum-security prison where he had been confined he exhibited significantly enhanced strength, the ability to absorb energy from human blood as well as infective powers (ENA0506261).

During his incarceration in South Africa he experienced a prolonged period of sensory and social deprivation, and his mental status likely deteriorated as evidenced by diary notes left behind. He frequently mentioned a “presence” and various paranoid delusions, as well as periods of elation and megalomania. His behaviour after the escape also evidenced not just the personality disorder found by the mental health exam done by the Johannesburg court but clear instances psychotic and sadistic behaviour, behaviour patterns not found before (Irwing 05).

Pratelli Vignuzzi exhibited telepathic abilities, the ability to construct holographic representations and occasional flashes of superhuman intelligence (ENA0411061). He entered mental contact with Gerhart Kestel on June 20 2005, causing a temporary breakdown. On June 22 he suddenly manifested wings, a changed appearance (similar to traditional angels), increased physical abilities as well as the ability to manifest beams or swords of light. A marked change in personality also occurred, with the previously passive-aggressive personality becoming pro-active with severe delusions of grandeur (being an angel sent by God to fight the demon Kestel) as well as obsessive tendencies (hunting down ‘evil’).

Srintala Srichaphan exhibited enhanced perceptive abilities and the ability to transform her body to a self-motile gel. During a trip to the Andaman Islands she suddenly lost control over her consistency-shifting and began to evidence strong electromagnetic powers. As her consistency shifted increasingly towards a very dense and reactive ferrofluid her magnetic influence grew exponentially. Authorities remained in contact with her during this process through radio (which she was able to perceive and send) and she described the process as a cleansing of impurity and unity with the divine. Over time her statements became more and more abstract, mainly regarding the need to truly reach unity. After a point contact ceased when her fluid body sank too deep within the ground. Seismic images suggest she may have percolated a significant distance into the Earth’s crust (Prakash 05).

There are many similarities with miseruptions. However, miseruptions are defined as non-adaptive novas or nova powers. In secondary eruptions the powers are often highly adaptive (as in the two first cases), and the mental state is not one of confusion or anguish as in miseruption.

The breakdown of Matt Doyle (ENA0506111) was also not a case of secondary eruption: no new powers were evidenced, and the pathology is congruent with a stress-induced breakdown combined with drug abuse disorder.

Secondary eruptions pose interesting questions: what are the preconditions? How do they occur? And what implications do they have for our understanding of regular eruptions?

At least in the case of Mr. Vignuzzi we have first-hand information. He has volunteered to explain his transformation and has done so at length. According to his account he learned how to gain power from Mr. Kestel (whom he had been in deep telepathic contact with):

“Gerhart prayed to the darkness to give him the tools for escape and revenge, and it gave them to him. So I realized that if praying to evil could effect these changes, then praying to God had to work. The only thing you have to do is to truly open your heart to Christ and honestly ask for the powers, and they will be given to you. That is the only secret: learn to ask for help, and you will gain it.”

Vignuzzi is clearly convinced about the divine nature of his powers, and appear to have entered a meditative trance during the hours leading up to his secondary eruption. Leaving out the religious imagery the basic mechanism appears to have been a fervent desire or request of power, power of a fairly unspecific kind. Given other psychological data (ENA0411061) the emergent powers appeared to have complemented phenomenological weaknesses in Vignuzzi’s personality, fitting the Ideal Persona theory very well.

While Srichaphan’s case is less well documented, she also mentioned that gaining access to the Godhead was within the ability of everybody and clearly meant more than just spiritual union – she responded to the question what she did at the point where she began to change by answering “I was hoping somebody would help me, and I was helped by realizing we can all become by looking inwards”.

It thus appears likely that the precondition is a certain receptive state of mind, possibly accidental, possibly due to deliberate mental action. Once this occurs the subconscious desires and ideal persona template become active anew and the nova extends the abilities significantly. This seems to support the idea that certain mental preconditions are necessary for nova eruption, but it appears less strongly linked to favourable environmental or circumstantial conditions. Vignuzzi re-erupted within a few hours of his attempt, suggesting a relatively common environmental condition. Had the issue only been the environment secondary eruptions would have been much more common. However, since no secondary eruptions have been noted before mid 2005, it is possible that it is again a wave-like phenomenon where the threshold of secondary eruptions has been significantly lowered recently.

If these conjectures hold, we should see more secondary eruptions over the next months. It seems especially likely that if a particular receptive state enables them and this state can be explained or transmitted (it should be noted Vignuzzi has telepathic abilities and that The Saviour has been in mental contact with Kestel) there may be significant numbers.

Unfortunately, all instances of secondary eruption were closely linked with severe ANP and NNS (Escale 04, Sydow & Quine 04). An explanation could be that given the presence of a NDS-like pressure on many nova personalities due to the expectations of other people these expectations also become part of the template of the Ideal Persona: subconsciously these novas see themselves as even more strongly self-enhancing. Also, the psychological strain of integrating radical transformation controlled by uncontrolled parts of the self may launch at least an ANP episode. If the nova has latent ANP it may also shape the emerging persona.

Secondary eruption is one of the most interesting new nova phenomena, but it raises serious concerns over management of nova mental health. It is my hope that further study of this phenomenon will provide clues to both the psychology of eruption and ways of managing nova powers.


ENA0411061: ENA Nice Report on Pratelli Vignuzzi’s Powers

ENA0506111: ENA Internal Memo on Matt Doyle

ENA0506261: ENA Internal Memo on the DV Incident

P.-P. Escale, Atypical Psychosis States of Novas: Delusions and Self-Structure, Journal of Nova Psychology, 1:2 165-177 2004

E. K. Gompertz, Development and Training of Nova Abilities, Cambridge University Press, 2005

Dr. Peter E. Irwing, personal communication. June 25 2005

C. Kalrudin, S.E. Stross, A.A. Operov & P.E Rosenfeld, Nova Physics and Chemistry in Review, Nature, vol 430, no 6971, October 30 2004, pp 435-441

O. Pertilov, K. I. Shumacher, W. Rowan, Novadom and Ideal Selves, Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 34:4, 324-336, 2004

E. Prakash, BSHA Internal Report on Occurrence E. 2005

O.S. Schwartz & P.L. Reuters, Abilities of the Nova G.K., Fortschritt der Nova-Forschung 2:1 123-176, 2005

E. Sydow & U. F. Quine, Nova Narcissistic Disorder: Instability of Self-Enhancement Rewards, Journal of Nova Psychology, 1:1 43-58 2004