Rules, Rights and Responsibilities


The rules of the Convivo Holmiensis are labyrinthine and contradictory. Only very experienced Masters understand all their implications, and most Masters just know about the most common applications. The Guilds of Vulcanus and Bacchus are also more liberal, and ignore many of the older and more baroque rules (to the irritation of the Conservatives). In short the rules boil down to: the Masters have all the power, the Gesälls some and the apprentices none.

Masters have very extensive rights, although many of them are very seldom used today. They have unlimited access to the library and the laboratories (conflicts are resolved by the Librarian or Laboratorymaster, who are sovereign in these matters). They have the right to ask the Forcemaster for Tass, the Housemaster for working space and the Treasurer for financing of expenses. They have the right to sit at the end of the tables in the Banquet hall closest to the fireplace or the windows, and everybody has to give them place if they wish so. They have also the right to demand that the Lanternbearer follow them if they are to walk through darkness (like in the cellar or during the night). They have the right to commander five servants for help, and can ask for more from their Nämdeman. They also can demand magickal help of three apprentices or one Gesäll. They have always the right to talk to the Alderman. They have the right to larger living space if they are living at the chantry. Masters can call for a meeting of their Guild, where their Nämdeman presides. They have the right to read the entire statutes and all other documents in their Guild-chest, including the memorybooks and other historical documents.

Gesälls have access to the Library or laboratories if their requests has been granted by the Librarian or Laboratorymaster. They can ask the Forcemaster for small amounts of Tass, but has to have a good reason (usually this is done for thesis research). They have the right to demand assistance of one servant for a task. They always have the right to talk to their Nämdeman, and can demand a living space or other room in the chantry for their own use. They have the right to read the original statutes under the supervision of their Nämdeman, Magister or the Librarian.

Apprentices have the right to use the library if their requests has been granted by the Magister, Librarian and their Masters. They have always the right to talk to their Master. They have the right to read the apprentice version of the statutes (which is simplified and shortened).


Masters must obey their Nämdemän and the Alderman in all matters, and the other offices within their domains. They have to treat the Nämdemän and Alderman with respect and courtesy.

Gesälls has to obey the Masters and all superiors. They of course have to treat all of them with respect. A Master have the right to request their help, unless the Nämdeman of the apprentice interferes.

Apprentices have to obey and respect the Gesälls, Masters and the Chief of the servants. A Master can demand their help, and have to obey unless their Masters ask their Nämdeman to annul the order. They can also be deputised as Guild Hosts by the Weaponsmaster (this cannot be overruled by anyone).


In every conflict between mages the parts have the right to demand a trial by the Guild Meeting. It can decide on punishment (not only for the accused but also for the accuser, if it finds it necessary). Apprentices will have their Master as advocate, while Gesälls and Masters have the right to appoint their own advocates within their Guild (there were specialised lawyers within the chantry once). If somebody chooses an advocate or representative the meeting will automatically become open (unless the Alderman overrules this). The trial proceeds in about the same way as a normal trial, with the Alderman as judge. The Weaponsmaster must be present to execute the judgement.

The Protocols are important, and form the foundation of the decisions. They are inscribed on the plaquet by the entrance to the library, on a parchment in the chest of the Guild of Vulcanus and in the Guild Oath. In addition, the Statutes and Praxis modify them a bit, not to mention the old prejudices. The first part, about respect, is important and usually enforces strictly by the Guild of Mercury. In the rules there are many detailed descriptions of how insubordination should be punished.

The second Protocol is complex. The Statutes demand that an apprentice should repay his tuition to his Master and Guild. This can be done in many ways, but payment has to be acknowledged by the Magister. Since no Oracles have ever appeared at the chantry, the fourth Protocol is never invoked.

The security of the chantry is extremely important, and is surrounded by an impenetrable jungle of paragraphs. Everyone risking it will be punished. To leave information which could give others indications to its existence or location is illegal. Its also illegal to approach the chantry without making sure nobody is following. To interact with the Technocracy or other enemies is of course also a crime, unless the defendant was on a diplomatic mission or can show that it was entirely to the good of the chantry and with absolutely no risks involved.

It is not allowed for a member to break the profane or ecclesiastical laws (there have been no difference between them since the late Middle Ages) except in certain circumstances. It is allowed to commit crimes to protect the chantry, to prevent the revelation as a mage or to interfere with Technocracy activities, as long as it doesn't go to excess. There are however a few special cases: blasphemy will not be tolerated, while revolution and crimes against the crown are regarded as irrelevant.

Magick is strictly regulated. Misuse of magick is not allowed. Magick hurting or removing people's free will is also not allowed. To use magick for mundane purposes is not forbidden, but regarded as bad taste (still, most mages use it in this way). All magick which could hurt the reputation or security of the chantry is forbidden. To use magick in such a way that reality is endangered is also forbidden, as is bringing large amounts of Paradox, destructive forces, malevolent spirits and unknown talismans into the chantry. To use magick against another mage of the chantry is not allowed except if he gives his direct permission for the act or the magick is of obviously positive effect and the other mage unable to respond.

A member of the chantry must also use his magick to help and protect the sleepers, but without revealing himself. All threats against the sleepers or reality must be prevented if possible.


The punishments vary quite a bit. Many are quite old:

The most common punishment is a warning, which is entered by the Magister into the Scroll of Membership with red ink (this has led to the expression "Red Painted Apprentice" for insubordinate mages).

Fines are common, usually money, Tass, books or talismans. They go to the chantry or the accusing part. If the guilty part cannot pay, he will be formally subjugated until he can pay, or the Guild Meeting can demand a service as payment (in the case of heavier fines this service can be quite large and hard).

Subjugation is a kind of demotion, where the guilty part looses the rights of his normal rank (a subjugated Master have the same rights as an Gesäll, while a subjugated apprentice has no rights at all). Since a title can never be revoked (or rather, the process is so cumbersome it has never been used), they are still titled Masters, Gesälls or Apprentices, but with the addition of "Subjugated" ("Subjugated Master" etc.).

Isolation means that the guilty part during a certain period is not allowed to visit the chantry or interact with its members (who themselves risk punishment if they deal with the isolated). The length of this punishment can vary between a month and a lifetime.

Apprentices or servants can be flogged by the Weaponsmaster using the Chantry Whip (normally kept in his quarters).

If someone misuses his office, he will be forced to leave it and the guilty person will not be allowed into it for a certain time (in the case of the office of Forcemaster, this is a lifetime).

Imprisonment in the cells in the cellar is possible, usually as punishment for serious crimes among the servants but mages can in principle be imprisoned too.

If the crime is against the Protocols, the aura of the guilty part should be marked with a symbol. This is however never applied except in theory.

Expulsion is possible for severe crimes. The tongue, hands and mind of the guilty are magickally locked so that he will never be able to reveal anything about the chantry. If necessary, he is given over to profane or ecclesiastical authorities.

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