Belief Creates 7/16/1996 The way I see it the only kind of learning or study involved in magic is the kind that I have done in the past. I have studied the chaos, necromancy, and other magic with everything from ESP and runes to spells and manna meditations. I have been able to reduce all of that junk to a few very simple personal principles of magic. At first glance my system can have the unfortunate effect of sending anyone seeking power or divine ideals off to more "smoke and mirrors" type followings. I would like to stop the idea that I have any belief in fate or destiny. And yet for anyone to "believe" in fate is impossible. The first basic law of my magical philosophy involve that any thing believed in can become true. If you believe that you are lead by fate than you must believe that magic does not exist for magic is the manipulation of events. Yet belief is a magic. That means that no one can "believe" in fate or that magic does not exist. Fate could only exist... (and not just because of the idea that" anything and everything can and does exist somewhere", which I fully believe) ...fate could exist if: 1. it takes into account every outside influence such and chance and every world meddling magician (who I am one) 2. it started its predictions at the end of time where everything was said and done and could go backwards from there. The following are some very mixed names and places to search for and some addresses of interest, of which many may lead to one another: 1. Liber Kaos 2. Chakras 3. liber KKK by Peter J. Carroll (Carroll's work kind of got me started, although I by no means fully agree with him) 4. Evocation 5. Divination 6. Enchantment 7. Invocation 8. Illumination 9. Laws of Bonewits in Mage (search for that whole thing) 10. Lucid Dreaming *11. (this is a very good text and if you can't find it search for: Ritual Theory and Technique) 12. Kabbalah 13. Tree of life 14. Kabbalah tree of life 15. Rituals and spell objectives and design in eight magics (also by Carroll, it involves the "colors" of magic 16. (a must if you decide to ignore my letter as just some lunatic's mumbling, and you follow the way of so called "chaos" magics) (none of these are much like my ideas, however they are some of the things I have read and studied leading me to my current thoughts on magic) (For many of those search names you're going to get a library of text and pages to study) I often joke about the rising following of chaos magic that I too was a member at one time. Although chaos magic may be more appealing with writers like Carroll and it's open point of view it really is just like any other magical group. Remember that belief makes, so just about all groups that don't contradict themselves have the same "potential" power as all of the others. Were I some other person I might say that Chaos is just powerful now because of its # of followers but to say that I would have to believe that and I don't. I find that one must be very careful in what he believes for once you believe you're pretty much locked. I consider myself lucky to have found someone like you (at a point of exploration like I was) to explain my findings to, often people have set ideas or seek to disprove magic altogether. In a part in the text # 11 ( stared for I think its one of the very few with any ideas like mine) it puts forward that anything done again and again can have some power. I have found what that power is and were I able to contact the writer I would take the liberty of answering his unanswered questions and tell him why his paper is partially true. The only power that repetition has is that it makes the subconscious form a kind of habit. A habit is actually a belief of the subconscious and that can be powerful in that you can not stop its release. But if you start habits (or rituals as the paper calls them) on purpose you can "program your subconscious to believe things". Many writers constantly say how children can have powerful basic magic and yet little control. This is because of the child's tendency to believe things not considered true by most. This belief is innocent thus strong. The little control is a manifestation of their tendency to believe whatever people tell them. This fluctuation keeps their power's down until the modern world completely discredits magic for them. I have purposely not yet gained any magical habits pending my further personal experience. I have however allowed myself to almost fully believe that belief creates. I know that if anyone completely believed that than if they had a single violent or stray thought it could destroy them although there does lie true power: the "true control and belief". I have a set of stones that total 12 and can fit in the palm of my hand and they are marked with a picture each. I could have used tarot cards or Runes but given that belief creates then you should "decide" to believe in whatever works for you. The pictures on your cards (of which 7 to 15 will do should cover the widest available parts of life to prevent the need to carry 30 some stones. All of mine fit in a leather pouch that could not hold a third my fist and yet they are sized to almost fill my opened hand. By casting these stones I do not see the future but can obtain advise as to roads to travel so to speak. They have another meaning that which they have not been used and I hope they never will be. That is to warn me if anything coming that would prove to be truly life or health threatening. I have never predicted anything of the sort ( that is more than likely because I do not really believe that I will) The situation thus makes a complete safe guard that I did not intend but that could be used by others. Here is what you would need to believe to have this protection: 1. that belief creates to some degree 2. that your stones have some ability to forecast events 3, that you're never really going to predict any horrible event because you live a normal life 4. (and oddly) that these steps are a perfect safeguard (You see? I have almost completely been able to make magic a logic which in a way is a goal of mine.) I must tell you that the last protection thing is not a spell or a ritual. As a matter of fact if you really look at it, it can be a list of suggestions or a logic system. It could I guess be possible to just believe that nothing bad will ever happen to you but with human survival instincts that is nearly impossible. My system in only an idea an anything of yours may work too. If I have not made it clear my ideas do not disprove any other magics. Actually I am supporting them by saying because they believe that their order is giving them power then it is. The only draw back in them is that if you also believe that the rituals, regents, and spell are necessary then for you they suddenly are necessary for your mind to properly influence the world. I believe in a god but I chosen to believe in him as all forgiving and to believe in a blissful afterlife. I am not sure that if when I die my lifelong belief in a heaven with make it true for me that is what I hope and hope is just a less secure form of belief. Many people have chosen gods for power from following them. Their belief in that the gods will give them power can make them more confident strengthening their belief that they are strong but you would get the same effect if you believed that a groundhog will give you power if you help it or even worship it. I have chosen a god as a friend and companion and not some divine guard or super power source. I do not believe it is possible for a person to believe in god and be getting the collected images of all of his followers. It could work though if someone did believe that. As I must constantly say: every thing can work with belief. I just want to keep it logical and simple. This paper is not a rule sheet to be followed but a writing of my ideas and thoughts and can create a simple calm cool living relaxation when followed. Meditation is a form of relaxing but with something called Divination, you picture a desired event taking place, an event turning the way you want, or ordering or communicating to some mental beast or power to make the outcomes what you want. If you believe that you are influencing the events it works best. Although truly believing that your work did perfectly what you want is true power it can allow the magic to disprove itself if their was ANY doubt in you. Divination is an easy form of belief because you are making a physical and mental effort to believe in something and not just placing a random wish to the universe. There are many ways to complete Divination but the bottom line is that meditation relaxes you in a sitting position to concentrate and concentration is all you really need. I kind of have a basic rule of thumb to protect what I believe and my ideas. I never : Test magic by trying to influence events to strong or asking questions to the stones on things too specific. In short I never give my magic the chance to disprove itself. That could stop me from believing in it and then it would no longer work. As another protection I interpret the symbols broadly and they each have multiple meanings. You will began to understand that my idea is to control and make magic into something that is not "smoke and mirrors" fake guessing but a logic and control in day to day life as well as something of meaning to do. Kind of some "Order of Order" kind of thing. It is only now possible with the internet for anyone like me to ever have been created. The circumstances are that I can read forever on all beliefs by myself with no inclination towards any ideas beforehand and see the basic connections that apply to them all and use them create such a basic and all encompassing rule as "belief creates" that can sum up "all" magick. Please sent any ideas and thoughts to ( ). I like to hear at least one time from everyone to read my papers. I wish you all Peace, Belief, and Control. -Jonathan S. Lark