The city of Ranan-Shannths is most famous for its street paintings. Since time immemorial the citizens have painted elaborate designs on the streets, both privately and as part of the Shannthstaarh ceremonies every long-month. The paintings, which have to be re-made or changed often due to wear, range from abstract designs over classic scenes to adveritsing or political examples. Throughout the history of the city the paintings have been used for education, aesthetic religion, practical applications or neutral-binding.

A large part of the city is underground, hidden in the Ranan hills. Originally this was a defensive outpost during the Lechth Atrocity, but over the years the fort was extended underground. During the 59th dynasty it was decomissioned and became part of the city proper. The underground parts are mainly offices and circle-grounds, although there are several major subscrapers. Of especial note is the Abyss of Ranan Shannths, the remains of the geothermal megaengineering projects of the late 82nd dynasty.

As Ranan-Shannths is an edict town  the xenologistic rules do not apply. Instead the local division of Sshatrha oversee human affairs and allow unrestricted access with the exception of the municipal OTEC plant. The plant is controlled by a branch of the Honorable Thermoclinal Overseers, and humans are advised caution in their vicinity.