Scrarran is a staple in Trahan diet. The fruit grows underground on the roots of the trees, where they are harvested by the Gardeners of Nass-Trss and usually steamed for longevity. Trahans eat it cooled, blended, cooked or marinated; the taste is usually enhanced by various spices. It is said to go especially well with fish, but by tradition this is usually only eaten in the first three months of the year. The tough shells are used for a variety of purposes, from a simple way of serving fast food to ropes, clothing and furniture. Since it is eaten by all trahans, from the Imperial Couple down to the lowest Mist-Organiser, it has come to symbolize the unity of the trahan species. While humans often find the smell pleasantly aromatic, the fruit is impossible to digest and best avoided even under extreme politeness.

The Snall-Lans has been called the most subtle and exquisite fruit of the trahan cuisine. Like the scrarran it has a tough outer shell and a soft interior, but this is a fruit for celebrations, worthy gifts and veneration. There are two main sources, the Schnaa region of southern Na and the Trellsh-Laass region of Kaalrr; since time immemorial the inhabitants have upheld a strong animosity against the other region, dating back to the Snall-Trehsnn War of the 65th dynasty. Even connoisseurs dispute which kind is the best, most flavorful, elegant and suitable. Snall-Lans is expensive, especially since the shells of all fruits sold are hand-carved with traditional designs. The designs are based on the ideographic system and give each fruit a suitable, unique meaning.

The Sshnn-Tra flowerbud is a popular part of trahan cooking. The buds are gathered before they blossom in the Festivity of the Unopened Flowers. It is a popular game among the inhabitants of Snrr to use the largest buds as frisbees in a game called Tra-Tra-Shanntrsch where the objective is to simultaneously hit one's opponent with several buds; this is an indispensable part of the Festivity and widely watched. While fresh Sshnn-Tra is eaten cooked or blended, during most of the year the flavor-oils or marinades are used. Dried buds lose their freshness and acquire a bad taste, but are often used as fertilizers to modulate the bouquet of other fruits.