The Spiritual World There are no doubts that there are real gods in the City. Gods and spirits are a part of daily life, and often more important than the mere physical world. The most important being in the whole City is the City itself. All inhabitants know that the City watches and protects them. According to the City Priests, the City sends the humans up from the Underworld (which is Its holy domain) into the Upperworld to be tested. Those who have performed their duties well and served the Citys unknowable purposes, they will return into the Underworld and live in splendour forever. Those who fail, will be thrown into the bottomless Abyss where they will fall for eternity. The City is in essence the perfect, unchanging and underlying power from which everything stems. It has in its infinite wisdom created the Upperworld to test and perfect its creations by subjecting them to the changes above. The higher up, the more changeable and unsafe everything become. The City Core, somewhere deep beneath the Underworld, is perfect and eternal. The Underworld is a place of stability, on which everything rests. The Upperworld is filled with the changes of time, but also the stability of the City and its power. Above it, the sky is filled with change and chaos; clouds and winds drift by, the sun and moon race across the sky. It is an important tenet of the philosophy of the City that change is temptation and against the will of the City. The concept of avoiding overreaching is also important. Every being has its own height in the world, and if it tries to ascend it, it will be subjected to the dangers of chaos and change. The higher and more powerful something is, the more dangerous it will become, both for itself and anything or anyone in the vicinity. Great, unknown powers move to destroy or pervert anything that dares to confront them, and good people remain in their assigned places. The City is the most remote and powerful god, and its priests are highly revered. They are easily recognised by their black cloaks, adorned with the symbol of the City. The lesser gods represent different organisations or functions. Every organisation has its own god, which not only protects and supports it, but also provides a kind of spiritual archetype. The organisation is just the visible manifestation of its god, and does its bidding. Other gods rule certain functions in the city, or large complexes as the Megastructures. These are generally less powerful than the corporate gods, but still above the gods/spirits which are behind individual buildings. There is no strict division between gods and powerful spirits other than how people pay respect to them; most people tend to behave well towards building-spirits, but not worship them. Finally there are the small spirits inside items or wandering around, which are never worshipped and too numerous to even classify. Many gods have oracles or avatars. An oracle has gained a mental link to the god, and can receive information and ask questions to the god. They are revered by everybody under the protection of the god, and generally surrounded and protected by the priesthood of the god. There are also street-oracles, people who have gained oraclehood by themselves and give answers in exchange for food and money. They have a few acolytes, and while they are revered, the priests keep close eyes on them. The building-oracles have the important function of interceding between the inhabitants and the building itself. They could be likened to spiritual janitors, overseeing that the inhabitants behave themselves and do not anger the building, and making sure the building provides them with adequate living. Needless to say, they are far below the corporate oracles in status. Sometimes a god chooses to manifest as an avatar. An avatar is a step above an oracle, since the god actively have taken control over the body and mind of the person. They are regarded with outmost respect, and their least whim is obeyed. They are often very powerful, since the god can channel its powers through them. The appearance of an avatar signifies that the god have decided to act directly, not through its organisation, and is often taken as a hint that it is not entirely content with the current organisation. Fortunately avatars are rare. The Priests The City Priests are the most influential group in the civilised parts of the city. Their black cloaks and expressionless masks spread fear and reveration among the other inhabitants. They have the right to demand respect from anyone else, but must also refrain from expressing any individuality. That is why they never remove their cloaks and masks when any other person is present (seeing the face of a City Priest is punished by death). They are called only by their religious grade, signified by the symbol on the forehead of the mask. The fight against individuality starts from the earliest moments. The City Priests have their own Elevators of Birth, and decide in some unknown manner which children should become priests of which should be given to the Education Corporations (By tradition, the corporations do not pay for the children from the priests). After that, their servants (recognised by their black masks with their symbol) take care of the children, educate them and prepare them for becoming priests or servants. Those children who show the best promise become novices, while the other become servants or are sent down into the Underworld again. The training consists of making the novices become less and less individual and letting the Will of the City replace their own will. They are required to wear masks, like all others inside the Temples. They are subtly tested to see if they retain any weaknesses of individuality or heretical beliefs, and if they fail they are sent down or put into the meditation chambers, where they are forced to meditate on the Will of the City for months in total sensory deprivation and direct link to the City. Most novices return either as perfect priests, or as vegetables. The Reality: The whole City is filled with extremely advanced bio- and nanocomputers, linked together into a network. This network connects every machine, every building, every human by invisible links of information. The City is sentient, in a diffuse way. There is no central mind, but there is an overall direction in the system. Its main goals are: Protect the City as a whole Allow humans to live inside the City Give them as much freedom as possible. These are just guidelines, and not always followed exactly. The main problem is that the City is not a unified system, just an infinite network of components with their own goals. As long as nothing breaks the guidelines too much, It will not act. Most of the time the City is content to just let the inhabitants do whatever they want without interfering, but sometimes It manipulates matters slightly. Internal conflicts, wayward subsystems and spreading inconsistencies take up most of the Citys normal work. But sometimes it perceives a threat, and coheres together into a titanic force, capable of practically anything. Why is the City so incoherent? The main reason is that the system was created millions of years ago, and since then have been rewritten, changed, manipulated or just deteriorated. Large parts of the structure have been patched by conflicting groups, and on the lower levels self-organised systems multiply in the cracks. Designs that was reasonable a few million years ago have turned into blocks or worse, and many originally helpful ideas have been perverted. The gods and spirits are what we normally would call AI systems, sentient beings in the network. They are extremely intelligent, and capable of utilising the vast resources in the informational/spiritual world, or program the systems of the physical world. The god of an organisation is very important, because it protects the systems and material aspects of it from outside attacks or plain deterioration. The network is filled with traps, viruses, subtle beings who prey on unprotected systems and gods who try to disrupt the workings of their concurrents. Without a god, an organisation will quickly crumble as its buildings will start to die, its members will begin to loose their minds and its mechanisms stop working. One important aspect of the City is that It uploads the minds of the dead into itself. This is done below the Temples of the Dead, where the contents of the biocomputers of dead people are transferred into the memories of the City. Most inhabitants don't understand anything about what is happening to them, and become very confused or turn insane. However, those people who have believed strongly in their god, are generally attracted to the god and will more or less merge with it. The others tend to fall prey to the predatory spirits in the system, and become used as "food". One result of the merging of the dead employees to the corporate gods is that the beliefs, ideas and knowledge of the dead become part of the gods. Each individual have an insignificant effect, but millennia of merging have turned the gods into images of the organisations. And since the gods turn the organisations into images of themselves, both become more and more indistinguishable.