From: (SuperUser) Newsgroups: sci.nanotech Subject: Weird Science Mailing list Date: 23 Jul 1996 11:13:32 -0400 Organization: McHenryCom NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: weird science mailing list technology unusual TechSubList: n Here is the info on a new mailing list... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\////////////////////////// Welcome to Weird Science! {The Weird Science Society Mailing List} /////////////////\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ "Lightning bolts & pots 'n' pans, things not ment to be known by Man, Why can't they just under-stand? My Creation! My Creation! Muaha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" - movie "Weird Science" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a technically oriented mailing list devoted to hands on experimentation with exotic, fringe, unconventional, and just plain weird phenomena and technologies. Topics can include (but are not limited to) Free energy, zero point devices, neurophones, bizzare magetic devices, scalar technologies, conducting reaserch on paraphenomena, various Tesla inventions, etc. Also delving into general science topics that typically are not usually the domain of private individuals is also on topic. (for example, the pricipals behind nuclear accelarators are not that weird, but, if your building one in your basement, then I'd say that's worthy of some Weird Science posts. Another would be that sometimes private individuals or groups (oft amataur radio associations ) build space sattelites for launch on some NASA flight. That would also be a welcome topic.) Detailed technical posts, posting of diagrams, experimental results, 'HOWTO' type posts, etc, are all encouraged. Involvement of some kind by persons of ALL levels of technological expertice are also encouraged, (Just b'cause you may not know much about it now dosen't mean you can't learn) Collaborative projects, and gatherings, physical and/or virtual may be organized by thru the Weird Science Society. Archives of the list, plus libraries of info, experiment results, whatever folx come up with, will be made available thru the WSSML's companion web site & FTP site. (If you get 'host not found' on those addresses , try again in a few days. InterNIC is being slow changing our domain records. Right now (7/17/96) most folx machines can't find us yet. This should be corrected in a few days (and don't worry, Email WILL get thru to us nomatter what.)) Now : ATWWPBFAQ's (Answers To What Will Probably Be Frequently Asked Questions) 1) How do I subscribe to the list? Easy. Send a message to containing the following line: subscribe weirdscience That gets you the list in normal format If you want the digest version of the list, send this line instead: subscribe weirdscience-digest (note: weirdscience is one word! And weird is spelled W-E-I-R-D no matter WHAT yer English teacher told ya about 'I before E') To unsubscribe, simply repeat steps above, substituting 'unsubscribe' for 'subscribe'. 2) What if I'm not the 'hands-on' type? Well, if your not into hands-on experimentation with strange devices & technologies, or at least into talking to pple who are into such, then mebbe Weird Science isn't your cup of tea. But, don't fret, for all is not lost yet! You may want to check out a discussion/debate oriented list dealing with paranormal/ fortean topics called GenerallyWeird that is located on the same server as WeirdScience (You may want to check it out anyway, in fact ) To subscribe to GenerallyWeird, just substiture the word 'generallyweird' for 'weirdscience' in Answer 1 above. it's address is 3) What is the Weird Science Society? The Weird Science Society is an organization dedicated to promoting, organizing, and coordinating amateur research and experimentation, particularly in unusual areas of reasearch. 4) How do I join the WSS ? Basically, just participate. Anyone who participates in WSS activities, either though the mailing list or through any events or projects the Society may organize, is considered a Society member, if they so wish. 5) Who's responsible for this thing? :> The Weird Science Society Mailing List is set up by/for the Weird Science Society. It's internet server is provided by The Integration Project The Integration Project is an organization dedicated to providing inexpensive sites for internet services (such as mailinglists, web pages, FTP sites, muds, etc), assisting people who want to set up services on the 'net, and to collecting, and making availible information on running internet services to the public. The Weird Science Society, and The Integration Project are projects of Integral Integral is a metaorganization dedicated to setting up organizations to allow, through collaborative effort of anyone wishing to get involved, ordinary people to accomplish goals usually beyond the average individual. -The Dragon De Monsyne