function [varargout]=tubeplot(x,y,z,varargin) % TUBEPLOT - plots a tube r along the space curve x,y,z. % % tubeplot(x,y,z) plots the basic tube with radius 1 % tubeplot(x,y,z,r) plots the basic tube with variable radius r (either a vector or a value) % tubeplot(x,y,z,r,v) plots the basic tube with coloring dependent on the values in the vector v % tubeplot(x,y,z,r,v,s) plots the tube with s tangential subdivisions (default is 6) % % [X,Y,Z]=tubeplot(x,y,z) returns [Nx3] matrices suitable for mesh or surf % % Note that the tube may pinch at points where the normal and binormal % misbehaves. It is suitable for general space curves, not ones that % contain straight sections. Normally the tube is calculated using the % Frenet frame, making the tube minimally twisted except at inflexion points. % % To deal with this problem there is an alternative frame: % tubeplot(x,y,z,r,v,s,vec) calculates the tube by setting the normal to % the cross product of the tangent and the vector vec. If it is chosen so % that it is always far from the tangent vector the frame will not twist unduly % % Example: % % t=0:(2*pi/100):(2*pi); % x=cos(t*2).*(2+sin(t*3)*.3); % y=sin(t*2).*(2+sin(t*3)*.3); % z=cos(t*3)*.3; % tubeplot(x,y,z,0.14*sin(t*5)+.29,t,10) % % Written by Anders Sandberg,, 2005 subdivs = 6; N=size(x,1); if (N==1) x=x'; y=y'; z=z'; N=size(x,1); end if (nargin == 3) r=x*0+1; else r=varargin{1}; if (size(r,1)==1 & size(r,2)==1) r=r*ones(N,1); end end if (nargin > 5) subdivs=varargin{3}+1; end if (nargin > 6) vec=varargin{4}; [t,n,b]=frame(x,y,z,vec); else [t,n,b]=frenet(x,y,z); end X=zeros(N,subdivs); Y=zeros(N,subdivs); Z=zeros(N,subdivs); theta=0:(2*pi/(subdivs-1)):(2*pi); for i=1:N X(i,:)=x(i) + r(i)*(n(i,1)*cos(theta) + b(i,1)*sin(theta)); Y(i,:)=y(i) + r(i)*(n(i,2)*cos(theta) + b(i,2)*sin(theta)); Z(i,:)=z(i) + r(i)*(n(i,3)*cos(theta) + b(i,3)*sin(theta)); end if (nargout==0) if (nargin > 4) V=varargin{2}; if (size(V,1)==1) V=V'; end V=V*ones(1,subdivs); surf(X,Y,Z,V); else surf(X,Y,Z); end else varargout(1) = {X}; varargout(2) = {Y}; varargout(3) = {Z}; end