Most people think spies are afraid of guns, or KGB guards, or barbed wire, but in point of fact the most dangerous thing they face is paper. Papers carry secrets. Papers can carry death warrants. -- Charlie Stross, A Colder War As I let go of my feelings of guilt, I am in touch with my inner sociopath. I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of suspicion and paranoia. - "Life Affirmations that are Attainable" Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you. There are some men that THINGS were not meant to know. Ken Macleod, The Star Fraction The only thing better than messing with somebody's sense of reality is messing with a whole LOTTA people's sense of reality.... ---J. Michael Straczynski "When you say I should live in the real world, which one are you referring to?" Zero Forward to a bright new age of limited nuclear destruction and higher publishing profits!" Charlie Stross Paranoia is not a sign of irrationalism, but of an excessive rationalism, a fearful preoccupation with systems, a rage for order (and against it). Alexander Star Paranoia has enemies. Alexander Star "I have a very firm grasp on reality! I can reach out and strangle it any time!" I'm completely sane, the voices said so ... I speak only for myself and not the other voices in my head. - siggie, - Avoid reality at all costs. I have seen the truth and it makes no sense. "I had to hit him -- he was starting to make sense." Analysing the past. Creating the future. Controlling the present. "We Discordians must stick apart." -- Malaclypse the Younger, O.P.O.V.I.G. "Divided we stand -- United we fall." -- Sir Realist, Offender of the Faith Even if the voices are not real, they have some good ideas. "Today's subliminal thought is:" AAAAAA - American Association Against Acronym Abuse Anonymous Just because you can fake a moon landing doesn't mean one has never taken place! When aiming for the common denominator, be prepared for the occasional division by zero. I can't lie. I'm in advertising. Steve Hayden In god we trust. Everybody else we monitor