When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl. In cyberspace everyone will be anonymous for 15 minutes. Graham Greenleaf The notion that an anonymous posting needs to be traceable to its source is a product of the unification of the old time conservative desire to squelch free speech with the new fangled politically correct liberal desire to squelch free speech. Perry E. Metzger So we must see that the balance we strike when we destroy all control over encryption is rather more complicated than the policemen let on when they talk about the crimes they would not have prevented without wiretapping. It is also about the crimes we will prevent when people may speak freely, everywhere, all the time. The good that will come from that is hard to overestimate. Eben Moglen Key escrow to rule them all; key escrow to find them. Key escrow to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the land of surveillance where Big Brother lies. Peter Gutmann