As the wind of time blows into the sails of space, the unfolding of the universe nurtures the evolution of matter under the pressure of information. From divided to condensed and on to organized, living, and thinking matter, the path is toward an increase in complexity through self-organization. -- Jean-Marie Lehn, Toward complex matter: Supramolecular chemistry and self-organization, PNAS 99:8 p. 4763 First we have a vague circle of electrons and other inferior units; then a better-defined circle of simple bodies in which the elements are distributed as periodic functions of the atom of hydrogen; farther on another circle, of inexhaustible molecular combinations; and lastly, jumping or recoiling from the infinitesimal to the infinite, a circle of stars and galaxies. these multiple zones of the cosmos envelop without imitating each other in such a way that we cannot pass from one to another by a simple change of coefficients. Here is no repetition of the same theme on a different scale. The order and the design do not appear except in the whole. The mesh of the universe is the universe itself. -- Teilhard de Chardin In every domain, when anything exceeds a certain measurement, it suddenly changes its aspect, condition, or nature. The curve doubles back, the surface contracts to a point, the solid disintegrates, the liquid boils, the germ cell divides, intuition suddenly bursts on the piled up facts... -- Teilhard de Chardin Taken as a whole, the biosphere would thus represent only a simple branch within and above other less progressive or less fortunate proliferations of pre-life...The universe had already begun to ramify and it doubtless goes on ramifying indefinitely... -- Teilhard de Chardin