"I hold the future of Bregna in my hands see it my friends and embrace it, embrace the new openness nothing is sacred nothing is secret" Trevor Goodchild -Trevor Goodchild Chairman Republic of Bregna radical social reformer or evil genius? Yes Are you ready for the action now danger boy? Ready if I'm ready for you danger boy? Ready if I want it now danger boy? How dare you dare you danger boy? I dare you dare you danger boy. "That which does not kill us makes us stranger." Trevor Goodchild Trevor: The Dream: To awaken the world. Aeon: You're out of control. Trevor: I take control. Whose side are you on? Aeon: I take no side. Trevor: You're skating the edge. Aeon: I am the edge. Trevor: What you want, only I can give. Aeon: You can't give it, you can't even buy it, and you just don't get it."