The Orpheus Project

The goal is to set up a mining industry on the asteroid 3361 Orpheus. The initial product will be water, hydrogen and oxygen for space propulsion, followed with building materials for orbital habitats and biospheres.


Orpheus is a near Earth asteroid orbiting the sun in an eliptic orbit bringing it outside the orbit of Mars and nearly in to the orbit of Venus. The period is 485.723 days.

It is 1200 x 600 x 512 meters large, rotating around its axis in 3.580 hours. It is a carbonaceous chondrite class 1 asteroid, with a density of 2.18. The composition is a fairly weak clay-olivine matrix, consisting of:

SiO2 28%
FeO 22
MgO 20
H20 14
C 2.0
S 2.0
AlO3 2.1
Na2O 0.3
P205 0.23
Fe 0.1
K2O 0.04
FeS 5.4
CaO 1.9
Other 5.83


The Eurydice spacecraft is intended to bring the first construction crew to Orpheus, with the habitation module acting as the base core and the propulsion module as the first Earth-Orpheus cargo vehicle.



Habitat Module



Flight Plan



Extra base supplies will be brougt in by unmanned solar sail craft.